Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a commonly used indicator in manufacturing plants. It allows to determine how efficient is a given production line, and thus how efficient the production is in relation to its production capabilities. The index is the result of three factors to measure the performance of a production line:
Availability = actual machine running time / scheduled time
Productivity (actual production time / production capacity)
质量 (number of pieces properly produced / total production)
OEE 也可以用实际产量除以计划时间乘以一个生产周期的分母来表示,如下式所示:
Ultimately, OEE is influenced by many factors that depend on the overall operation of the factory. Among the events that have an impact are
- Unplanned downtime
- Failures and repair times MTTR, MTBR, MTTF
- Slow start-up of production
- Late recognition that a process is unstable
Read more about OEE in the article “12 reasons why OEE is low”.
Calculate your OEE in no time with our OEE calculator.